
Unterhalter, E., Peppin Vaughan, R. and Longlands, H. (2022) ‘Gender, institutions and intersecting inequalities in education: Selecting indicators for the AGEE framework’, presentation at the Human Development and Capability Association Conference, Antwerp, 20th September 2022.

Longlands, H and Peppin Vaughan, R. (2022) ‘Education, International Development and the AGEE Project’, presentation to the Windle Trust, UCL IOE, 22nd April 2022.

Longlands, H. and Peppin Vaughan, R (2022) ‘Measurement and accountability for gender equality in education: perspectives from international policy makers’, presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference, 18th April 2022.

Unterhalter, E. (2021) ‘The AGEE Framework: critical engagements from discussions on gender and the capability approach’, presentation at the Human Development and Capability Association Global Dialogue, Online, 27th September 2021.

Unterhalter, E. (2021). ‘Gender equality and girls’ education. Key challenges and opportunities.’ Presentation to Forum organised by Forum for Global Challenges, University of Birmingham, 18th May 2021.

Unterhalter, E. (2021). ‘What do we talk about when we talk about children, poverty, and education?’ Paper presented at PESGB seminar/webinar, 13th May 2021.

Unterhalter, E. (2021). ‘The politics, policies and practices of intersectionality: Making gender equality inclusive in and through education.’ Paper presented at CIES conference, 26th April 2021 (panel convened by UNESCO GEM report team).