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The AGEE Framework in detail

The six domains of the AGEE Framework are each linked with a bank of indicators. Some of these indicators are collected routinely by governments, as part of the administration of the education system. Some are collected through regular surveys of households or specific population groups.  Indicators can be added depending on issues in particular national contexts. The indicators listed have been identified during project discussions and list both data which is currently available, and data which it would be useful to generate. In the next phase of the project, AGEE aims to construct a dashboard using data from a number of different countries.

Combined, these six domains of the AGEE Framework are intended to help practitioners to document, measure and seek to address:

  • Causes of gender inequality in an education system
  • How much inequality there is associated with an education system
  • Where this is concentrated

Whether forms of inequality are horizontal relating to groups (concerned with cultures and forms of belonging), vertical (associated with distribution of income, wealth and health) or process (concerned with learning and teaching interactions and opportunities for dialogue and discussion).
