AGEE Publications

Unterhalter, E., Longlands, H., and Peppin Vaughan, R. (2023) ‘Developing equalities and quality education? Data and indicators for SDG 4’, in Umbach, G. and Tkalec, I. (eds) The Elgar Companion to Data and Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (Edward Elgar). 

Longlands, H., Peppin Vaughan, R. and Unterhalter, E. (2023) ‘Gender, Missing Data and SDG4’, in Delprato, M. and Shepard, D. (eds) Missing education data and the SDG 4 data regime: Global, regional and thematic perspectives (Edward Elgar).

Peppin Vaughan, R., & Longlands, H. (2022). A technology of global governance or the path to gender equality? Reflections on the role of indicators and targets for girls’ education. Comparative Education: an international journal of comparative studies.

Unterhalter, E. (2021). ‘A longer view: conceptualising education, identity and the public good in 1917 and 2016’, in S. Carney and E. Klerides (eds.), Identities and Education: Comparative Perspectives in Times of Crisis. London: Bloomsbury (pp.203-221).

Unterhalter, E. and Robinson, L. (2020). ‘Precise evasions: PPPs, aid and education’, in J. Gideon and E. Unterhalter (eds.), Critical reflections on public private partnerships. Abingdon: Routledge (pp.98-114).